Saturday, July 23, 2011

What would stop a malicious juror?

What would stop a juror from deciding he didn't like a plaintiff or defendant (and didn't want him to prevail) just based on the fact that the plaintiff or defendant had a mustache or something? And if a juror decides against or for something, do they have to explain why or why not?

I think Casey will go free/mistrial what do you think?

I want her to get life in prison or the DP. I am not saying a mistrial or freedom could happen, I am saying it WILL happen. Solely cause there is a juror (I think number 4) that is super super religious and claims no one can judge but god. The defense tried and tried to get her and ended up succeeding, even if there was fingerprints, video tape of casey doing it, all the evidence in the world would still cause this too happen cause of that lady and her beliefs. 1 juror in disagreement initiates a hung jury at least. If you disagree or agree, feel free to talk about it.

Why does the African-American community use race as a factor for everything?

I am a black man. After I joked about them sticking together, one of my white partners shed some facts that really bothered me that i didnt see. He said how is it possible that Obama received 98% support from black voters. If white people did that there would never be anything but whites presidents since they represent 73% if the country. It is quite obvious that race was a factor. OJ, it is quite obvious to any rational person that, that man was guilty as sin. But black jurors let him off not helped by all the black people that formed outside and made it a race thing. We have BET, UNCF, NAACP, Black Panthers, Black liberation Party and that's not even a fraction.I am ashamed to say it but it seems as if white people have evolved to not see color as much as we do. What if we take it too far and they start feeling that we have taken it too far like they did. We need to wise up

Can I lose weight by doing this ?

it's not too good to nap on a full stomach since your metabolism slows down when you sleep! quesadillas could also be pretty greasy so you should try substituting those with some sort of salad or wrap! and the walk/jog would be good at first but once you get past like a week either run the whole thing or increase the distance! :)

Survey: Do you think you would make a good juror? Why or why not?

Yes but I do anything I can to get out of it if I can, I have never served but I have never heard any good come from the people who have served.

My clitoris feels achy and sensitive?

About a week ago, I was being like any normal teenager and masturbating. The only difference being after that particular one I felt a horrible achy feeling afterwards like I was still aroused. I ignored it and the next morning I felt fine but I needed to go to the toilet often. It was like that for a few days until I felt aroused again and masturbated as normal. Only that time it was much worse, I instantly needed to pass urine, the aching was worse and throughout the day it became unbearable and extremely sensitive to touch. Now I feel an aching that becomes sharp pains later at night, it sometimes feels to be on my clitoris but then sometimes it feels like general aching around the area. It hasn't been a long time, but I'm getting worried and it is upsetting me so please can someone help if they have had the same?

My arm feels achy!!!!?

Ok so my left arm has been feeling achy. No nasaeu, no loosing weight, no swelling i did lift weights 2 days ago idk if its that im 15 years old. Sometimes my wrist aches, kinda only when i think about it though. Any advice?

A question about my boobs?

They are a little tender and they have been for the most of this week. i haven't had my period yet for this month but it is late. but i chalk that up to leaving an all girls boarding school and coming home to my mom and my sister. also because i haven't gotten any in months. so I'm not sure if it's my period because they've been achy for so long and i usually don't get much pms. so other reasons my (small) breasts would be sore. also i'm only 16 so i'm still pubescent.

I feel like I'm on a boat?

you just havent gotten your land legs back. also that has happened to me before. it is all in your head

Ovarian Cysts?...and Getting Pregnant?

My mother had ovarian cysts and I believe I had one and it ruptured this morning. It was a terrible pain around my left ovary. My belly was bloated and it was an achy pain that seemed to radiate around to my back at times. It lasted about 3 hours. At times it hurt when I would sit down. This is also the day I should expect ovulation as we are trying to conceive our second child (on month 6 of trying). My question is, if this was indeed a cyst rupturing which I am all but sure it was, does this mean I will not be able to conceive this month? I am a little confused as to how ovarian cysts affect your ability to conceive. My mother had cysts but conceived 4 times, but Im under the impression that having PCOS makes it difficult to conceive. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

How do you know if you are a homosexual?

There is this two stalkers on the net that i know of .One of them is from Turkey, He is a Washer/Dryer repair guy working for Bosch in Bursa. He is in his late 30s and never been married. The other guy is from Ohio and being dumped by his wife because she was cheating on him with his friend and literally hates women. He hates his wife too. On his face book account he claims her as his wife just to get back to her. He once told me that the family get to gethers are the only way he can torture to his ex. These two systematically stalking females and sometimes males together. One of them is really good on computers. He is hacking the emails and face book accounts and helping his partner and giving the information to the American guy. I saw the US guys photo and once saw the Turkish guy on the webcam. They are so similar in build and physics and features. The US guy is quite feminine the way that he talks, thinks, looks..etc. The Turkish guy is keep telling he is not a womanizer and females are no interest of his. He claims, he is only looking for friendship. Yet he is stalking the females the other guy was interested in and giving him the info and helping him to play with them. It Looks like the US guy is so involve with pornography and relate everything with sex. It is almost like he wants to prove himself that he is not a homosexual. He is also quite fragile looking man too. Everything he does sounds like to prove others that he is into females and he gets sadistic when his preys don't act the way he wants. The Turkish guy is watching him cyber with other girls.Both of them claim to be Muslim so they can motivate other low lives like them to participate their online activities. The Turkish guy is a dumb man. His intelligence is really limited. Is it possible that he is not gay.Do you think there is something homosexual going between these two? Is it possible that a person can watch porn, stalk females on the net just to prove that he is not gay?

If Jesus comes back to Earth as a hamster, what would Xians do?

If he came back as a hamster, they would sell him at a pet store but if he came back as a turkey they would definitely have him for Thanksgiving with a little cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy.

Is this an allergy or a cold?

as far as I know I'm not allergic to anything, but over the years I've developed sensitivity to different foods like pineapple. basically what I have is a sore throat, clogged ears, a kind of achy chest area (my lungs I think) and a slightly runny nose. other then that I feel fine, I have my appetite, I'm a little tired but I dunno if that's relevant. I was golfing on monday and there was a lot of pollen on my car when I got back and I noticed on tuesday morning that the back of my throat was sore. so what is it more likely? a cold or allergies?

Blood clot from wisdom teeth gone?

I got my bottom left wisdom tooth removed yesterday at 1 pm. I was really worried about the blood clot falling out and so I kept looking to make sure it was still there and it has a white area that is getting bigger and covering the red. But when I looked a little bit ago the white was a little bigger but the red looked gone and there was a little black that looked really deep. I'm having a little bit of an achy pain but it's not bad. I hadn't had pain medicine since noon though and it was only 600mg of ibuprofen. Does it sound like the bloodclot is gone? Or do I have a dry socket?

Can I get an airline employee when I'm about to board my flight?

You know that desk that you go to to check in or something and you give in your suitcases and label your carry-ons? Well can I get an airline employee to accompany me on my trip from Montreal-Istanbul, Turkey (direct flight)? I'm only 13 years old and I asked a previous question and someone said that human trafficking and prostitution was a big issue in Turkey so it wouldn't be a good idea to go alone. He also said that I would need to pay 100$ for the employee. Is this true?

Question About Sore/Achy Feet?

I've had sore achy feet for years. I've had 3 pairs of custom orthotics made by Podiatrists, & taken several Anti-Inflammatory meds for this problem. They all have worked for a while, & then my foot pain comes back with a vengeance. It's like my feet feel better & then they get used to the meds or orthotics & then they no longer help.I've tried everything off the shelves in stores with no relief. I've spent Thousands of $$, & wish I had every dollar back, because nothing has helped. Can anybody out there relate to my problem, & does anyone have any long term solution or is this something I'm gonna have to live with forever. I stand & walk on concrete floors for 12 hour shifts & I'm miserable. Anybody?

How did the jurors in the Casey Anthony trial ask to see evidence?

If the jurors have been instructed not to be discussing the case among themselves, how were they able to request to see evidence? Not only did the judge allow it, the jury actually passed it around and physically held it. Wouldn't this be grounds for a mistrial, and contempt charges for the jury?

What meats can you cook stovetop?

Hi I just moved into a new place w/ a roomate. I love to cook but we don't have a working oven. I know how to dredge and fry porkchops, thin chicken, and of course beef on the stove top, but those three choices are getting old quickly. What other options/ways of cooking meat stovetop are there? Can I do thicker cuts of chicken like legs, hind-quarters, or turkey wings? How about ribs? Any advice or even recipes would be much appreciated, thanks!

Reason for getting out of jury duty....?

Yes, you will have to provide proof. Enough people lie to get out of jury duty that the courts have gotten wise.

Is 25- 30 minutes of jogging enough exercise with the right diet that works with me?

This is what I eat at least once a week: Fruits and Vegetables, Milk and water only ( no soda or juice ), bread with peanut butter, egg whites and sometimes turkey bacon, meat, beans, baked chips, and nuts ( I'm 113- 114 and in 7th grade ) I also bike a lot and i want to go down to 98 or 96

I am worried i have breast cancer?

I am 31 and I went to my doctor today as for about a year my right breast has felt heavy and achy and my nipple is very tender,I saw my doctor a few months ago with the same problem and was given antibiotics which never 34 year old sister was diagnosed 4 days ago with breast cancer which made me go today to the doctor and because it is an ongoing problem and given my sisters diagnosis,she has referred me for a scan on my breast and now I'm terrified I may have breast cancer too,my doctor said she can not feel any lumps that were of any concern-I'm naturally lumpy in my breasts but she could feel no worrying lumps but also as I am a big cup size she was worried she might not feel anything like she would in a smaller woman so she wants me to have the scan and I am really scared of the result,any advice would be great.many thanks

Question about acid reflux?

I have acid reflux. I was wondering if it could cause a dull achy pain on the top of my left breast. Right about where the bra strap is. I know it's not my bra strap, but I am always constantly belching, and it makes me feel horrible. That's the only symptom I have though.. Besides the normal heartburn.

What kind of notifications do your employers get when you serve jury duty in california? Date and time? ?

or just dates. Reason I'm asking is my boss is asking me for hours but the juror guy said just days are reported. I don't want to get in trouble for what I can't provide.

Under Pericles, Athenian democracy remained limited because of what?

C. Non-citizens had no political rights is correct. Athenian democracy was not true democracy, but more a oligarchy of male property owners as they were the only ones allowed to vote.

Selling something from ebay?

You will need to find out the shipping price for the kinds of items you sell from your own local office, and post them.

Our friends in the North will face jail terms if they are seen to being friendly with strangers in London?

Its hard to believe he met someone who could speak English or he wasn't chased by a mob of enraged Muslims or half a Somalian tribe.

I am interested in buying a property in turkey?

This will be my first property investment ever, ive decided to buy in Turkey as it is a lot cheaper can someone advise me of what I need to do to start this process off legally, and the do and donts as well. thank you

Parents are forcing me to go on holiday!?

i'm sure they just want you to be there and spend time with you, but you might enjoy it once you're there ! after all, they are your family :D

MY reasons to get out of jury duty....?

You'll need to provide proof if you offer an excuse like that to get out of jury duty. Enough people have lied to get out of jury duty that the courts have gotten wise.

Friday, July 22, 2011

My joins hurt all of the sudden.?

My back has been hurting like crazy latly usally later in the day, dull achy pain, really bad. Also my knees readdy hurt they are supper stiff and hurt to bend. Same with my neck and fingers. Do you know whats going on?

Is this too much or too little.?

That's a lot of exercising an too little of an amount of food. You should be eating around 1200 calories a day or more.

Implantation? signs? ttc?

hi ttc, last period ended on the 7th of june and have been having sex every other day, i was wondering about inplantation as people have said about implataion bleeding, do you always bleed? i have a achy pain in the side of my tummy yesterday, could that be it? also really really tender nipples the last few days,

Does a UTI give you achy thighs?

My thighs have been so achy lately and it hurts when I walk. I'm only seventeen. I have a UTI so I was wondering if maybe that's a symptom of it? No idea what to think.

What side dish should I make with my turkey burgers?

squash and zucchini with garlic, salt , pepper and butter wrap in tin foil and grill for 20 mins until tender mmmmm so good


Chiropractor and Ibuprofen. guess you can't get into to see a chiropractor in the next hour, ibuprofen generally 2x or 3x x 200mg should handle it, if your body weight is 150 2 tabs 180 or above 3 tabs.

What happens after the jury decides on a verdict?

Do you have to return at a later date to be present when the judge announces the verdict? Or is it finally over for the jurors after we turn in the verdict paper.

Why did the people that claim they found noah's ark in turkey use carbon dating on the remains?

when there are many christians that claim carbon dating does not work or it is very inaccurate when it is being used on dinosaur remains or anything that dates further than about 7,000 years? hypocritical much?

Does this mean that labor is starting?

I am scheduled to be induced on Saturday, which is one day shy of my due date. I have been 2 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and labor station -1 since 36 weeks. I have had some episodic bleeding that can't be attributed to anything and today my blood pressure was high (140/95) for the first time in my life. Since I am so close to my due date and because of the previously mentioned issues, my doctor wants to induce me. I want soooo bad to go into labor naturally. I also am trying to have a completely natural childbirth and I know that this is less likely to happen with an induction. I had fetal monitoring after the appointment for 20 minutes because of the high blood pressure and bleeding and everything was fine. During the fetal monitoring, I had 6 contractions each lasting about a minute. I only felt one and it was very mild. I likely would not have noticed it had the nurse not pointed it out. Anyway, I came home from the appointment, had sex with my husband, and went for a long walk trying to get things started. I am having dull achy pain in my abdomen that is coming and going. It is not regular and I definitely cannot feel a distinct "contraction" but I am feel sporadic pain that is noticeable for about fifteen seconds, peaks, and then decreases. It is mainly in my lower abdomen, but it radiates around to my back too. My question is..... does this mean that labor is starting, or is it more likely these stupid Braxton Hicks. If it does sound like labor starting, how long can I stay like this, and will I likely have the baby in the next few days?


Could any of the jurors, pass a polygraph that they believe Bonds didn't know he was taking steroids?

What are the BEST website's for cheap holiday packages?

I'm looking for somewhere abroad (spain, turkey etc...). I'm 18 years old and I want to go away with my friends in summer 2012 (we would of gone this summer but everyone's broke from university lol)

If i forgot to mail in my jury papers in the state of new mexico?

If I forgot to mail in my juror papers will I be in trouble? Like a warrant or something? My name had been selected but they hadn't really selected me to serve. They wanted me to turn in two questionairres with my info. The term is already almost over! Should I go to the courthouse and see whats up? Or do you think i mighta just gotten lost in the system?!

Were the jurors on Jean charles de Menezes inquest properly informed by our CPS or Judiciary?

I don't know the rights and wrongs or the legality of what took place, I only know that we have the best trained police force in the world. They put their lives on the line for us every day only to be criticised by armchair philosophers with nothing better to do. I trust our policemen and what's more I trust their judgement. Thank you Mr. Policeman I hate to think where we would be without you.

My At&t Iphone automatically attached to vodafone in turkey, am i roaming?

I'm on vacation in turkey and my at&t iphone automatically connected to vodafone as its carrier. My brother and mother also have iphones but their phones just say "no service." I am thinking this may be because they haven't updated their phones in a while? Anyways, does anyone know if this causes me to be in roaming and get charged extra through at&t?

Why criteria do lawyers use to select jurors out of members on jury duty?

If the trial was for the rape of a 17 year old and you were close to that age, you might be excused by the prosecution because you might identify with the defendant. Attorneys in a Medicare fraud case might not want you if you were disabled. Attorneys want to win and they want jurors that will vote for their side. I may sound jaded but I believe that justice is not always blind and the good guy does not always win. It's up to you to make the system better.

Santa Ana CA jury duty?

Call the courthouse and ask what you're supposed to do. Explain that you left when you did because you were not quite sure what the lady behind the window meant.

Morning sickness or actually sickness ?

I'm ten weeks today, with my second pregnancy! I felt sick with my first one but never got sick. This time round I've definaltly felt a bit sicker!! And today, I was in town all day, I was walking around for hours and since I've come home I can't stop throwing up! I can't even drink a glass of water. I really don't know if this is because of morning sickness , or down to the slice of quiche I ate in the city?! I feel ok, as in no temperature or anything , or no achy feeling just sick sick sick!! Any sight or smell of food n I'm gone ! Is it morning sickness or what I ate ?

Im depressed and i feel nausea .?

So is this a normal sign of being depressed ? Im on my monthly gift, 15 years old. my arm was somewhat achy for like 2 days, sometimes on and off. I believe im hypochondriac. i lift my arm up it hurts in tha upper area. I just feel really down, i feel like i want to cry. I feel so sad, I know im ok but im just depressed. Any ideas?

How concerning is my high SED rate?

I am a 24 year old female with achy joints for several months. I went to the doctor about this and I just had some blood work done and my sed rate was a 73 (normal is <20). I actually felt pretty good at the time but within 12 hours of being tested I began to feel like crap. My monocytes were also a little high but only slightly over the upper limit. (Upper limit is 8 and mine was 8.3) Everything else came back normal. How concerning are these lab results.

Breast hurts, dizzy, and feeling slightly sick/achy and I do breast feed?

No fever yet so I wanted to know if you think it is just a clogged milk duct or an infection? Area is only slightly red and a little warm compared to the other one.

What do i do with fry tank?

I have 7 day old Betta fry the tank is nasty . I have an air pump. I have a filter but its not on i think it will suck the fry up.i have tried a turkey baster but i suck my babies up every time. i think if i just leave it the fungus that's growing on the uneaten food and dead babies will kill off the fry. what do you think i should do ?

Boyfriend soon to be ex- reassurance its over would be nice?

I've been dating him for 6 years on and off. we love each other but lately I've come to terms with the fact that its just not working out. I'd appreciate feedback as far as my decision goes AND how to leave a six year relationship is cold turkey the best way or slowly breaking off contact. I grew up with this guy so its difficult. he seems to have a minor drinking problem and has become violent once with me. he apologized and felt shameful of his actions but the next night he sat on the phone and told me I needed to be "reborn" he also says things like " you think your better than me?" when hes angry. He also told informed me when he was drunk that he believed that I was younger then him mentality wise. He says things like "your just a girl" in the negative way. He has also said Im just a bag of emotions and things of this nature. He has criticized me many times and I wonder why. Is it me did I become a walking doormat or is it him? Is he just an overcritical asshole? I feel like I demand respect just fine and I have left but the stories the same in the end he tries to be controlling and he tries to dictate my behavior. What I find funny, what I find interesting etc.

On what page in 12 Angry Men by REginald Rose does it say this...?

Juror 11 says to Juror 7: Now you're voting guilty because you've got baseball tickets burning a hole in your pocket. Something like that.

My husband is on dialysis and I am getting confused as to the things he can not eat.?

He went into acute renal failure on Memorial Day (35y/o) He is now getting dialysis 3 times a week. We have spoken with the nutritionist there but from the lists she gave me to the lists on the kidney site for people with dialysis they differ greatly. Just one point is nuts. on the list of do not eat it says under high potassium no nuts/peanut butter. but I went to the kidney website for a dialysis menu and the snack said mixed nuts. So I am totally confused. They also told him to eat alot of protein/meats etc but all the menu's have chicken turkey etc. They also said to stay away from wheat based foods but in the breakfast they have wheat as part of a cereal mix. I am soo confused as to who I should listen to if you have any suggestions that would be great. He has other issues besides the kidney failure he also has pericarditis (fluid around the heart) a blood clot in his leg, and high blood pressure for which is is on medicine for all of these. but there was not restrictions in eating from them. well except for the salt but that is part of the dialysis do not eat anyways.

I'm thirteen. I'm afraid of travelling alone. Is this normal?

So I'm traveling to Istanbul, Turkey in July. It's a direct flight from Montreal, Quebec (its new) but I'm still scared. What if I miss my flight? Or get lost? Or even worse kidnapped? My parents think that I'm overreacting but I still worried. Is this normal? And can I overcome this fear? BTW, I'm troaveling on Trans-Canadian Airlines. (Air Canada)

Light period of implantation bleeding? It's been a week of spotting?

if it was implantation bleeding then you would already be about 4 weeks pregnant so if you are worried you can just take the test. and yes change in lifestyle can have an affect on your period. and if you didn't use a condom for a minute or whatever he still could have pre- cummed inside you. which you nor him feel at all. its just a drop and that's all you need to get pregnant. so the best thing you can do is get a pregnancy test. i had a period early november that was normal then end of november that was just spotting and im 30 weeks pregnant. but again just take a test to be on the safe side. hope this helps

How do you know if you can sit in on a court case?

My boyfriend has to go to court tomorrow as a juror and I'm visiting from another state and don't really want to sit here all day without him. Is there a place for me to go in the courtroom and wait for him? Am I allowed to sit in on court cases without permission? Am I allowed to just show up? Do I have to bring ID of some sort?

Mtv turkey pop hits from 2006?

i was there that summer and theres a song im trying to was a female singer.....does anyone remember any of the music videos they played then?

I really need someones help desperatlyy.... someone give me good ideaass.. itz very very very importantt......?

well baiscally im going on holiday next week to turkey. im going ankara with my dad, he is thinking to leave me there with my cousins but i dont want to stay there, i want to go with my dad to the village because it is more relaxing and fun. but because there are so many boys there he doesnt want them to come after me and doesnt want people talking about me and a boy so he doesnt want me to go. what can i say to my dad so that he doesnt leave me there in the village, it has to be something very convincing but i dont have any ideas. i want to go village and not stay in ankara, my cousins are fun but i want to go village instead... give me ideas plzzzzzzz........

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What kind of compound bow would you recommend for a begginer?

Im 13, 6'1, 210, i can pull back between 50 and 60 and looking for something like a PSE or Bear bow. but please share what you would use for white tail and maybe turkey. Thanks.

What 2 principles of fundamental justice are most involved when a juror is challenged for cause?

Nothing more than the way you were brought up. Whether up with grandpa's prejudices or your mother's love.

How did our school children end up eating Turkey Twizzlers & Burger + Chips....?

Because the school can't cook actual food so they buy premade and them reheat that, if they didn't no one would buy school food.

How stoooopid is this Facebook user?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

If I have a moral objection to being a juror, will that get me out of jury duty?

Under the facts you just cited if anyone found out you violated your oathe to be fair and impartial you could be prosecuted. If you feel for moral reasons you cannot judge anyone you must notify the judge. You may not be excused from service but you have to be honest.

Is this labor at 32 weeks or normal?

I have been having lower to mid back pain for two days not, loose stool and been snappy when I'm in pain. I'm not having contractions at all but I have been having cramps.And my body just feels really weak and achy all the time... Please help I'm 19 and pregnant with my first child...

Why was old honest abe such a flip-flopper?

I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races; that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say, in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.

Im addicted to sugar?

i eat sugar on everything ham sandwitches,turkey,green beans,ramon noodles,any type of soup, i even put sugar on sugar...i eat about 3 pounds of sugar aday.

What's wrong with my eyes!?

Sounds like your developing a conjunctivitis-are the sclera or whites of the eyes reddened? This condition can be cause by an virus or bacteria and sometimes called mechanical because there has been another irritant introduced to the eye which causes severe irritation. Keep your hands off of that area, continue to flush with a saline solution and watch over the next 24 hours as you may need medical intervention...go sooner if the discharge becomes discolored with blood or greenish. Make sure that you discard eye make up on a regular basis about every 2 months or sooner if this occurs. If your sleeping with contacts, stop immediately and let the eye breathe. You might want to consider taking contacts out ASAP if that is the case. Hope this helps and you get better.

What stomach/intestinal/colon problem could I be experiencing?

For the last couple of months I have experienced sharp/dull/achy pain on my lower left side abdomen, roughly 3 inches from my belly button. It is not constant, it happens once every two weeks or so. It will start off as light pain, then get severe. If I place a heating pad on it and sit still, the pain goes away. If I move and walk around, my pain starts back up. During the pain, I feel nauseous. Eventually the pain will go away. Another problem I have every once in awhile is blood in my stool. Could both these things be related? Any ideas what it could be?

Opinions honest tmi?

i had unprotected sex with my husband when i was ovulating he pulled out everytime.(but just wiped it and went back in maybe 5 10min later).that was a week ago since then i spotted for not even a day light pink and only when i wiped,nauseous,boobs hurt,feel fuller,stomach bloated,achy,tired heahaches almost everyday..i dont know whats going on what r my chances really on being pregnant?anyone experience this and found out they were pregnant?

Is this considered overeating?

No not at all. This is actually a pretty healthy diet. Eating fruits and veggies is always a good thing to do.

My left arm feels achy?

Ok so my left arm has been feeling achy. No nasaeu, no loosing weight, no swelling i did lift weights 2 days ago idk if its that im 15 years old. Sometimes my wrist aches, kinda only when i think about it though. Any advice?

Do you think the use of jury system or the judge system results in more favourable social outcomes in trials?

Depends on the nature of the dispute. when the real issue is not application of the law, but simply a question of which person is telling the truth, nothing beats a jury. In the classic example, one person says immediately before the accident the light was red. The other says green. All agree that the outcome turns on that question. Go with the jury. If the argument is, even if it was green, I still win because you have an obligation to look out for those who have not yet passed through the intersection, then go with a judge.

How long will cymbalta remain in my body?

I have tooken 20mg of cymbalta daily for 3 weeks and stoped cold turkey for 1 week. How long will it take for cymbalta to 100% leave my body? Could it already be completely out of my body already?

Is the economy so bad that people are too broke to sit on Jury Duty?

The jury duty pay and wages are probably only part of it. Most employers will give the time off without pay.The 3 to 8 weeks away from family and 100 miles away are probably a part of it also. Plus the the high profile and media attention that the case has gotten would eliminate many people from giving a fair and unbiased verdict and many people already know that.

Analyze quote?? 12 Angry Men quote (12th juror)?

"Well there are some pretty strange people- not strange, really- they just have peculiar ways of expressing themselves, y'know what I mean?"

Can a person be HEALTHY if they NEVER eat fruits or vegtables?

Of course they can! I'm on a steady diet of Cheetos and corn dogs and I'm a healthy 280 pounds at 5'8''! Oh yea, and my sweat is 80% cholesterol and hydrogenated oil.

Terminating parents rights?

i am looking to terminate my rights as a parent. i have custody of 2 of my sons, due to mothers drug addiction and criminal record.the third and oldest child's mother is a bear to deal with on any level. and even went so far as to tell me she had an abortion, miscarried and tried to have me arrested for domestic violence witch did go to trial, and i was found innocent by 12 jurors. she claims that the children i do have custody of beat up, pick on, and talk poorly to our son (the kids i have custody of are 2 and 4) my oldest is 6. she claims that i am the 2 kids mothers problem because of her recent activities. this is just back ground. what do i do? i have come to this conclusion after years of battling with her and to no avail. i'm at a loss and have this current thought that is my last option. any advice would be help full this is a tough decision

I feel like I have to throw up every time I eat. Is this normal?

I feel like I have to throw up every time I eat. I don't feel bloated it is just pain. The pain is not significant but just a little achy. No diarrhea. No fever. Oh and I am not pregnant either because I am only 13. PLEASE HELP!

Certification of Live Birth or Certificate of Live Birth: Do the Masses Believe What They Wish?

The birther issue is lame at this point. He's almost 3/4 through his first term. Instead, lets focus on what a poor job he's done for everyone that isn't an illegal alien in this country.

I get very sad as the sun goes down.?

Hello, I have noticed the past few weeks I've been getting this very DARK, achy feeling in my chest as the sun goes down and for the rest of the night I am VERY VERY sad. A month ago my gma passed away, IDK if that has anything to do with it. I am taking 50mg of pristiq. I want to seek help for this because it makes each night unbarable :( But I don't really know who to go to or what to say. anyone ever have this prob?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How long does it take for my breast to stop producing milk?

My baby is now 7 in a half month old and I BF him for about 6 months. I did not use the rx and just quit breastfeeding cold turkey. At first I had really bad engorgement, but now I no longer have this problem. The thing is that although I am no longer engorged and am no longer leaking or swelling up my breast still have milk in them. I know this bc I got curious one day and squeezed a little and I still had milk in both breasts. Exactly how long will it take for me to no longer have any milk in there period? Also when you stopped BF did you notice that your appetite decreased and you dropped a couple of pounds?

Law question here,murder,death penalty?

I have been studying criminal justice and have a degree. You don't need fingerprints or witnesses sounds like they had substantial evidence in the hair found. Those hairs probably hurt his case and tied him to the scene. Everyone convicted of first degree murder has a right to appeal and it will go to the appeals court. You can do that a few times but most of time the appeals court will not overturn the verdict if the evidence is strong enough for a conviction. He will probably sit on death row for a very long time and die of natural causes before they would put him to death. All anyone can do now is pray for his soul. God Bless.

Can a wealthy defendant, facing serious criminal charges, bribe a jury (See details)?

It's possible...but 99.9% of jurors who are approached with an offer like that will rat out the guy making the's a very risky proposition.

How many days you attend trial for jury duty?

I am thinking about going to jury duty in California. How many days does a juror in california go? I am trying to get a job or make cash this Summer. If I was called 14 times I would meet my quota for enough cash this Summer. And btw california pays 15 a day.

Casey anthony's car still held in evidence? I was wondering if so, does it still smell?

cause maybe they could take the jurors to the car?? Also is casey able to get her car back? or would they destroy her car? (just curious to know)

32 Weeks pregnant, and feeling weird tonight....?

Like stated above, im 32 weeks pregnant, and the last couple of days ive been feeling very odd. Im feeling very achy in my stomach region and my lower back. it doesnt feel like BH contractions, or any actual contractions, im just worried that maybe my body is trying to tell me something. Im terrified to go into premature labor. If anyone else has been been through this or knows something about this that can help it would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!

Do I sound like I could be pregnant?

Ok first off I am not asking anyone to diagnose me I do plan on taking a test but it's a little too early for that yet. I am just curious if others think I sound pregnant. I have been ttc and I know what that does to women sometimes. so here it goes...... My last period was May 21st. If I am pregnant I would be 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Ok so I have been having very weird dreams the past several night which I never remember my dreams. Its been a few years since I have remembered a dream and lately I have been remembering alot of dreams. I have been very exhausted, very moody. Like I am always getting on my fiancee its like he cant do nothing right lol. I also got a yeast infection this past week. Which I have never had a yeast infection unless I was pregnant. Weird huh? But anyways I have had light pink and brown discharge once. But didnt know if that was implantation because of my yeast infection. But ummm last night I also had some cramping felt like normal menstural cramps. Like a dull achy pain in lower abdomen and also had more of a pressure pain in lower left side of abdomen. The weird thing is..... I was recently diagnosed with pcos, my midwife put me on medroxyprogesterone. I was suppose to take it for 15 days but only took like 3 pills every other day. I am horrible with taking medication well that when I started my period on my own. btw before that period I hadnt had a period on my own since dec of 2010. So after my last period I made sure to have sex during my ovulation period for the heck of it. I didnt even think I could get pregnant but now I am starting to wonder. What do you think?

True of False: When attorneys are in court and make their statement against...?

defendant and the judge states to ignore the comment to the court reporter. But the jurors already heard his statement. Hasn't that attorney already got his point across? lol?

Pregnancy please read I need advice on what to do.?

Have you tried taking a pregnancy test? your symptoms seem like you are pregnant yet don't get confused pregnant symptoms and PMS pre-menstrual symptoms are as of now don't worry too much perhaps you're just late wait a week or two and have a pregnancy test to get a accurate result, if it turns out negative try going to a doctor for a routine check up who knows it's something else good luck to you girl!

I've been feeling really weak latley and i dont know i have this strange bump/lump on my shoulder.?

for the past couple of days i haven't been feeling myself. I didnt understand why this is happening. It all started when i found this weird lump on my shoulder that was bothering me. It felt very achy. Then when I woke the next day my legs were aching as well and around my shoulders. I just brushed it off thinking it was just growing pains. But now i feel very weak when I start walking around. Im feeling very tired latley as well. I dont feel sick ethier. I dont understand. Maybe its all in my head. My mom thinks the bump is a spider bite but i have no bite marks. Its just a bump underneath my skin. maybe its just all in my head. i dont know.

I was summoned to appear to another court duty a few weeks later?

I don't know about that, but after I spent a week in the hospital and nearly bled to death from botched surgery, after I got discharged from hospital and got home, there was a notice in my mail for me to appear fo jury duty the very next day. With my luck, I would have been counted as an FTA, and they would have come and arrested me! Talk about tacky!!! I couldn't even walk! and they expected me to be there at 8am the next day!!!! What a bunch of idiots!! Like I was supposed to call them and say" "Gee, Im going to have a life threatening emergency on the following date, almost die on the next 2, require a blood transfusion the 3rd day, get an infection on the 4th day, etc, etc!!" They wanted you to call in before you needed any time off from jury duty. Like I was suppose to know I was gonna end up in the hospital!!! NOT!! It looked like someone butchered a goat in my hospital room!!! So, I do NOT register to vote anymore,,,This is why...I called the courthouse, and told them about my bad luck, and they actually wanted PROOF! I was like WTF??? How tacky is that!!! JERKS!! So, I had to have someone take me physically to the dr which was almost impossible for me, since I couldn't even walk much less stand up, and then Dr had to fax a medically unfit for jury duty note!! That was just going too far!! Like I was gonna put my life on hold, and risked going to jail cause I wouldn't have been excused for jury duty??? Like I knew what was gonna happen to me and require emergency surgery, NOT!! Yeah, put my life on hold for politics? NOPE not anymore....See what a mess you can get in if you register to vote??? That would have looked real professional of hem to arrest me for being in hospital, not knowing that I would get so sick, and me handcuffed and not even able to stand up, much less even walk 10 feet!! Jerks. So, all I have to say is DON'T VOTE!!!

Ideas on what to feed my 1 yr old for lunch?

okay so he is 14 months old. and he has a very very picky 3 year old big brother. he and his brother eat really good for me for breakfast, and he's easy to feed for dinner because he normally eats what we eat. but i normally don't sit down and eat lunch with them, my 3 year old only has certain foods that he will eat for lunch, and i don't want my 1 year old being picky like that. and i don't want to feed him the same things every single day.. so far what i do feed him is things like, halves of ham/ turkey sandwiches, he loves grilled cheeses, chicken nuggets, all sorts of vegetables but so far i am scared to feed him raw veggies as he doesn't have all of his teeth yet, he loves fruit and i try to mix that up, he loves yogurt, but he gets fruit and yogurt some times for breakfast along with his cereal or whatever..... i thought i would ask you guys about what you feed your little ones for lunch every single day? he has also gotten in to this phase where he thinks its funny to toss his food over the side of the highchair and so more is ending up in the floor and then in the trash then is ending up in his tummy.. i just want to try and fix stuff that i know he will love to eat. he's a great eater and i want to continue to build on that, but i am afraid if i feed him what the 3 year old eats all of the time he will also grow to be picky.. thanks..

What is causing my off and on hip pain?

You could have harmed a joint in your hip. i hurt my back lifting and have similar symptoms like you on and off, just stretch every day for five minutes and i promise it will be a lot better. if its still hurting, they will send you to pyhsical therapy as they did for my back.

Is this pms or could I be pregnant?

Ok first of all I do have pcos. But never had any pain with it. I never getting cramping until the day of due period or the day after. I also discovered I have a yeast infection. I have never gotten one unless I was pregnant. I have 2 children, 2 pregnancies. So Ok I had my first period on my own since dec. of 2010. My last period was May 21st of 2011. I am ttc I with the pcos I didnt think I could conceive but I tried anyways. Now last night which would have been 10 days after ovulation I started having like a dull achy cramp in my lower abdomen and also a pressure like pain on my left side of lower abdomen. I have had a tiny bit of spotting light pink and brown but I thought that came from the yeast infection. So I just am really not for sure. I have been very moody, exhausted also. So basically I am asking what do yall think. Does it sound like it could be implantation? Or from yeast infection? Or Pcos? or just pms? I am confused, I do plan on making an appointment but I am curious what others think?

Are the media fabricating information or is this true about the Jean Charles Menezes case?

I am not familiar with the story, but of course the media is always fabricating information, they are out to sell stories, and they don't care about the facts, they post what sells the best, not the truth.

Which Juror (in 12 Angry Men) can I compare to Martin Luther King, Jr.?

I have to write an essay about Martin Luther King and compare him to a juror from 12 angry men, i need to talk about how they went against the status quo successfully. I thought of Juror #8 at first, but I kind of had difficulties. Then, I considered The Foreman or Juror #1, but he didn't really "go against the status-qou" so I'm stuck....

What kind of Islam is practiced in Bosnia?

shia or sunni or another? is it the same islam with turkey? why does Bosnia is the only country of Europe with many muslims? do bosnians have to read the Quran in arabic and to pray in arabic?

What do you think? Pms or pregnant?

Ok first of all I do have pcos. But never had any pain with it. I never getting cramping until the day of due period or the day after. I also discovered I have a yeast infection. I have never gotten one unless I was pregnant. I have 2 children, 2 pregnancies. So Ok I had my first period on my own since dec. of 2010. My last period was May 21st of 2011. I am ttc I with the pcos I didnt think I could conceive but I tried anyways. Now last night which would have been 10 days after ovulation I started having like a dull achy cramp in my lower abdomen and also a pressure like pain on my left side of lower abdomen. I have had a tiny bit of spotting light pink and brown but I thought that came from the yeast infection. So I just am really not for sure. I have been very moody, exhausted also. So basically I am asking what do yall think. Does it sound like it could be implantation? Or from yeast infection? Or Pcos? or just pms? I am confused, I do plan on making an appointment but I am curious what others think?

Wisdom teeth removal after 5 days?

i feel no pain, but i feel like the gum is achy... like the jawbone in that area. it's not painful it's just annoying. i rinse with salt water a lot too. i notice it burns more with salt water than the rest is this normal?

Help! A kitten with a broken front leg!?

Same happen to my aunt's dog!! They could not pay :( But they said try to push a bone back in place in the broken leg and just keep her from running or walking alot.

Is keeping good posture supposed to hurt at first? ?

I'm trying to practice good posture so I've been trying to sit up straight, shoulders and neck in line, etc. I've just started this today and I've noticed that it's really painful in the mid region of my back (somewhere between my thoracic and lumbar region). I've got my feet flat on the floor at a 90� angle and I'm sitting directly on the bottom of my pelvic bone to distribute weight evenly. I know it takes some getting used to but it's it actually supposed to HURT at first? it's not too bad just a typical sore-back-achy feeling. Am I doing it wrong? What's the right way? And if it is supposed to feel like this, how long on average should I expect it to last? Thank you yahoo friends!

Help with right ear?!? Disgusting??!?!?

Stop using ear buds, they will push infection into your ear. First get them checked by a nurse, you may need antibiotics or have a perforated era drum. If you have wax it needs softening with oil for a few days, then yours ears need professional attention, a nurse needs to syringe them with warm water which will bring out the wax..

My baby is six months old ....?

its time to switch to 2nd food. they r a bit thicker, but not much. once he is used to them... a couple weeks, then u can start pureeing ur foods. meats and veggies and fruits. no need for extra sugars, salts or seasonings. he doesnt need them. some babies at a year old dont have teeth yet, but they still gnaw the food with their gums. if he can do the pincer grasp u can give him cooked carrots cut into tiny bites and he can feed himself and u can feed them. i think thats about 9 months.

Do you think this pharmacist should have been convicted of 1st Degree murder for shooting a robber?

He should have given the robbers all the money and all the good drugs, and then everybody hold hands and sing Kumbaya.

My dad has been called up for jury service?

It means has he been living in this country for 5 years (or more) since he was 13. From the information you have given, yes he has.

17 and possibly pregnant. would be 3 weeks achy and tired?

it's always a possibility.You need to go to the store and get a pregnancy test.. a good one is (First Response) They are very accurate. That is what I used .. and I am 10 weeks pregnant !

Have you ever served on a jury - what was the calibre of your fellow jurors?

Sadly, I've only had one summons, and when I called to see whether I was supposed to report, I was excused. I'd love to serve on a jury. At 41, I think its weird I've only been contacted once, while others my age have been called numerous times, but that's how it works, I suppose.

Barry Bonds Verdict: Can You Say Joke?

the ruling was a joke. no way should he have the record and he used roids you can tell from how much he beefed up from the pirates to the giants theres no question bout him usin roids

I have a very personal question... answer please?

hmm...well you dont need to quit all together, Orgasm's are good for your prostate, a person who masterbates alot will have less of a chance at prostate cancer. Now, what I can tell you to do is try to cut down to 3-4 times a week, that will keep you from going a week and feeling horney all the time and getting tempted and breaking it out when you feel it... Acne, I dont think there is a relationship between acne and pimples... but if there is, wash your face every time after you do it...

Do I have to submit U.S. district court juror qualification questionnaire?

I received the form today in the mail. It is not a summons, just a questionnaire for them to determine if they will summons me in the future. I honestly do not want to be on a jury. Am I required to submit the form, or is it voluntary?

Diazepam widrawl cold turkey from low dose?

Is it ok to drop diazepam cold turkey been on for eight month or so on a low dose of 2.5 mg ..or should i taper?

I'm a teenage girl and I was diagnosed with Torticollis, an I'm having chronic back pain?

I got diagnosed about 3 years ago, and the wry neck became more frequent. I went to the doctors, and they sent me to a physical therapist. They "realigned" my back. While doing the realignment, they discovered I have less the half the movement in my head. I can move from about 35 degrees to about 80. Significantly less then others. I have been feeling waaaay more pain in my back and neck. If I am out for the whole day either sitting or standing by the end of the day I'm in very sharp achy pain down my whole spine and my neck. Anyone can help? Is there more then just Torticollis?

16 and pregnant? could I be pregnant from this?

Sounds like your pregnant. After all, you met all the requirements of nature. If I didn't know any better I would say it sounds like you were trying. It's like touching a hot stove, don't act surprised when it burns you hand.

Arms randomly move involuntarily..?

It could be muscle spasms or involuntarley movements. Muscle relaxers should he'll. I have spasms in my muscles but they just twich. I'm a nurse but I forgot the diagnosis fir that other than involuntarily movements, pretty much sums it up.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How long until politicians come out of the closet and admit to being atheists?

Soon I hope. Our economic conditions right now are not sustainable.So the less personal falsehoods right now the better.

Diet help please, 135 pound female?

During winter break I tried an orange diet for a week and dropped from 148 to 135. I'm usually 115 - 120 but I gained tons of weight when I started birth control and I think also because I was eating unhealthy food living in the dorms since I didn't have a car first semester and ate what they sold on campus. I've been trying to lose the weight since jan. I'm 5'5, I'm 20 years old and I currently weigh 135. I do workout everyday for an hour and a half and for breakfast I eat a 1/2 cup of cherrios with 1% milk, for lunch I have light yogurt (110 cal) with 3 cut up strawberries and a banana cut up and for dinner I usually have a sandwich with swiss cheese (90 cal), wheat bread, a little light mayo, onions, and turkey. I was thinking of trying a carrot diet for a week, would it work as well as my orange diet?? And don't say this is unhealthy please I ate only oranges but I also took multivitamins, fiber, and protein for that week. To give you a look on my metabolism: I urinate probably 15 times a day and I do the other thing around 4 to 5 times a day. Advice please? Oh and the ten pounds I lost during winter break I know it wasn't just muscle cause I lost inches and looked skinnier in general.

What does it mean when jurors ought to be empaneled and returned?

I understand that empaneled means to be put on a list of jurors but i dont understand the returned part.

What kind of notifications do your employers get when you serve jury duty in california? Date and time?

or just dates. Reason I'm asking is my boss is asking me for hours but the juror guy said just days are reported. I don't want to get in trouble for what I can't provide.

You are working as a paralegal in a large scale law firm. The lawyer you have been assigned to work with , Emi?

You are working as a paralegal in a large scale law firm. The lawyer you have been assigned to work with , Emily is representing a notorious serial killer named Jack Ripper. Jack has already been convicted of murder and Emily is preparing for the sentencing hearing, where she hopes Jack will recieve a prison term instead of the death penalty. Emily has assigned you the task of creating a short Power Point presentation that will be released to the public through various media outlets. The purpose of the Power Point slides is not to convince anyone Jack is innocent, but to demonstrate to the public Jack should not be sentenced to die. What type of design would you choose for your slides? What type of pictures would you insert into the slides? What information should be included on the slides to convince the public, and hopefully the jurors, the death penalty should not be administered to Jack? Do you think it would be a good idea to use any of the animation features available in Power Point? If so, which ones?REsponse Criteria:

How do I handle two jury summons with a few months of each other?

My husband received two jury summons within a few months of each other. One for one court downtown and the other for a nearby city. Juror ID numbers are different, but names are the same. He registered for the first, was on standby, called daily, and was let go by telephone. The other he ignored because of the first summons. He just received a postcard stating he will be fined if he doesn't respond to the second summons. What is the best way to address this because I understood once you serve (able to serve on a jury, just waiting to be told to show up, and then dismissed) you're done for a year. What bothers me the most is the different juror ID numbers, but same name.

Pregnancy in teens. am I pregnant? Needing advice?

You could be pregnant. I suggest you make a doctor appointment as soon as possible just to be safe. Next time, be safe if you aren't planning a pregnancy. Good luck! :) also, its best to tell your parents now BEFORE they find out when your into your pregnancy later on. Dont be scared, they will be there for you if you tell them now :)

What could be causing this pain?

I have pain on my left hand side just below my ribcage more towards my back than my front. It started off as a dull ache and i would get this really intense stabbing pain that came in waves. The pain is getting worse and now is an achy kinda burning pain and every so often i will get this intense shooting pain. I also feel nauseous and keep getting dizzyspells. It gets worse when i move. I don't have a kidney infection. Any ideas what could be causing this

I don't think it's possible for me to hurt any more than I do now... Help?

Well, you really overdid it today didn't you. I think that the combination of the 30 pound backpack (which gave you an extreme workout) along with the whipping around on the rides, really beat you up today. There are some soaks at the store (Walmart) that are for joint pain. I would take a nice warm or hot bath and just soak yourself. You will be even more soar tomorrow if you can even believe that. For your feet the soak should help with that too but you can get a zip lock bag n fill it with ice and wrap it in a towel and put it on the floor and put your feet on it. I know that you are feeling bad but I think you just had an extreme workout for the day. Hope you feel better soon. You probably lost like 5 pounds today!!!

Coccyx feel uncomfortable when sitting?

The Coccyx is a particularly difficult area to deal with so you really should go and see your doctor to find out exactly what you have done and more importantly what you can do to reduce the pain you are experiencing.

Newbie question about jury duty?

I was called in for the jury selection process earlier today but have yet to participate in the voir dire process. So far, the judge and lawyers have released 14 prospective jurors, while 11 were not released. Are those 11 who were not dismissed a lock for the trial panel or can the judge and lawyers still dismiss them through a second round of questioning? I hope I do NOT get selected to the panel so I want those 12 juror seats plus alternates filled before I have to go through with the questioning process.

Why is Mein Kampf a bestseller in Turkey?

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What kind of bleeding is this? Implantation or light period? Please answer!?

It doesn't sound like you're pregnant.. from everything you have going on it just sounds like you're stressed out.. just relax and your cycle should come on...

Where can i get a turkey jibblet :P?

I want to trick my bro into thinking its thanksgiving because he pored blue paint on my hands at lunch at school earlier this yr

What is the best or easiest way to stop smoking?

My daughter (24) has Myathenia Gravis and is having a very hard time to quitting smoking. She know that she needs to, but has had a hard time. She's tried "cold turkey" quitting, the patch and other methods. What are some of the things that have worked for you? Do support groups really work?

Jury Choosing Process?

If you want to see the jury selection process in action,tune in to TruTV on weekdays starting at 9am. They are selecting the jury for the Casey Anthony trial right now. One potential juror was questioned for over 2 hours. It is quite interesting.

Afterbirth pains or something more?

I gave birth to my second son 6 days ago and have been having afterbirth pains occasionally but tonight they were almost excruciating staring on the left almost at my hip joint and radiating across and through my tailbone and even down to my rectum. I had a natural uncomplicated birth with no stitches or tearing - does this sound normal?? They have reduced since taking painkillers but I am still achy like a slight menstrual cramp

How do courts decide who to select to be on a jury?

The plaintiff's lawyer wanted me when he heard my accent, the defendant did not want me. I voted for the defendant and he won the case. When I left the court I looked at him and he had the most perplexed look on his face so I smirked!!!

Help, I feel really horrible ): ?

Wow, most of those are totally normal, but some I've never heard of... like throwing up and diarreah. If you have recently started your period it's jus your body getting used to it and it will probably stop later. All the others are normal.

Is this all in my head or is something wrong with me?

I have had a fairly high fever for the past few days and have just felt very achy and sickish (sorry for bad description). a day before i got sick, i was bitten by a tick and i was recently told you could get really sick from something like that (i don't have lyme disease, i already checked). this freaked me out of course. my skin is now really blotchy and i'm terrified. i'm not sure if this is in my head or if i need to go back to the doctor (i was already there, they ran blood tests). if you could tell me of anyway to know if i'm goin looney tunes or if this is actually more serious than i thought?

Why can no one be happy i've met my love in a turkish waiter?

I'm a 45yr old fmale. all my life i've been dissapointed in love. However, i think at the grand old age of 45, i've met the love of my life on holidays abroad. Hes a romantic turkish waiter and we have been corresponding tow an fro since i returned home from my holidays. He says he loves me. He dont speak much english but the language of love is universal. However, no one can be happy for me. I'm a woman of substantial means, but money isnt making me happy without a man to make happy. So i've been financially helping this guy out but hes not been asking me. The thing is hes got a kid in Turkey and lives with his partner, but they are 'not lovers'. He is now coming on a holiday to me next week - I sent him a ticket. hes 27yrs old and hes so romantic. I cannot wait. why can noone be happy

Anyone up for another True/False Food Survey?

1)very very true. 2)very very true. 3)false 4)very very very etc. false. 5)false. 6)false false false i can not not not dislike pizza.

Hey i was just wondering if it is possible to pack some cigarettes and liquor/drinks, or only cigs by suitcase?

cigarettes, yes but there are limited numbers of packs depending on the country. for liquor and drinks, no. it should be less than 100ml only and a net of 1L.

Will a juror be held in contempt if they refuse to answer a question during voir dire?

LovesTheConstitution is right. I would just add that the judge is the referee of the courtroom in a sense; if the questioning was really uncalled for he would probably speak up himself. It is safe, however, to speak your mind in such a case, if you feel that it is right. If the judge has a problem with that, he'll tell you very clearly that you have to answer the question. He won't just slap you with contempt right away. You also won't be automatically excused for being uncooperative. I think it would increase your chances of one of the lawyers not liking you, though.

I need help with Muscle growth?

Okay i am vegetarian. I have no muscles. no calfs. (legs are like toothpics) going to highschool. and i want abs. i cant eat turkey, fish, eggs or meat. i can eat tofu, soy crap, beans and drink milk. i am onlly 75 pounds. and im 14. i want to build muscles, abs, and calf muscles in the whole summer. is there a workout where i can get all that within 2-3 months.? (dont criticize) and thanks for whoever answers

Is juror information safe from defendents?

Nope. The defendant--no matter if he is the worst drug lord out there with suspected kill squads of toadies under his pay, still gets to find out EVERYTHING about each and every potential juror.

6 weeks prengnant and showing, is this possible? (for 10pts)?

I just had my third kid and I was showing at six weeks my doc said that after u have one your likely to show really fast with the next ones. As far as twins they say it skips a generation so it could be possible. Congratulating on the new baby or maybe baby's lol



Could you get in trouble for this?

omg! what an unfair thins that he was forced to complete jury duty!with all the losers out there who give a hoot about their education!

What is your opinion that most, if not all, jurors didnt take notes in court?

How would they decide later if casey is guilty later? Does it mean that they will go for gut feeling in deciding, or that they have already made up their mind that she is guilty?

I thought it was allergies but my sister is sick.?

my 6 year old sister has been coughing hard for about 4 days, and she is stopped up. her eyes are dry and red and swollen. she has bad allergies so this wasn't very abnormal. but today she woke up with all her symptoms listed before much worse, she has a 102 fever, no appetite, and threw up once. she is also achy, and i am worried about her. (i am her legal guardian, we dont have parents.) she has a regularly scheduled doctors appointment in 3 days, and we cant go earlier. what do you think it is? over counter medicines? just give me any advice you can, that would be great. thank you!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is it unusual to be called for Jury Duty and never called up as Possible Juror?

Yes, it is possible to be called up for jury duty but never get to sit on a trial. Unfortunately, it happens a lot, especially when the case gets settled at the last minute.

What do you all think of this?

Two jurors who voted guilty in the MJ trial a few years ago are releasing a book soon (I heard this on the news this morning) it'll be called "Guilty as Sinned, Free as a Bird". I think it's so stupid. The two only jurors who thought he was guilty are releasing a book on why he was guilty. They are even paying producers to make a movie of it, no one they've asked so far has agreed to do it. I think it's a waste of their time, no one's gonna read it except for the few people who believe MJ to be guilty. The two jurors are so certain the book will be a huge success and even said "It'll be a bigger craze than Twilight". I can't wait until they are proven so wrong. You know the saying "Keep your words sweet, in case you have to eat them" applies nicely here.

How does Jury Nullification work?

Is it --regardless of the evidence presented to a jury/juror a juror can decide that he doesn't agree with the Law and nullify it in that case.?


MY NUMBER IS 195..CAN SOME TELL ME HOW IS THIS DESIGNED and what do i have to look forward to. i hope im not the only one who's in there and is clueless about what to do,etc. how does it work.! do a number of people get picked? what happens if you get there and they dont need you? im scared and on top of that im clueless..but i have to go in tomorrow at 8am.

Strange period, no actual bleeding but blood clots and smears when I wipe. It's been 8 days of this.?

Possible signs of light dehydration. Be sure to drink lots of water daily, as this always thins fluids and discharge. And you might want to check for kidney stones too.

Scared to go through this alone. please read. teen pregnancy. could I be pregnant at 16?

Sounds like you are pregnant. Alot of women spot a little during pregnancy. Especially in the early weeks because the egg is implanting and it makes you spot a little. I would take a test to be sure. You might not be pregnant. Be sure to wear protection next time. Good luck! I wish you the best.

What can be the cause of a constant head ache?

I have had a head ache on and off for around a week, and it's just come back pretty badly, what can be the cause of this? It's mainly at the front of my head, and quite a heavy achy feeling.

Need some Feedback plz....?

Thats great! Isaw you last question so ianswered it:) your meals loook great you will lose some weight fast with some aditional cardio maybe an hour would help... Iheard if you lower your milk percent its healthier.. But looks wounderful.. Glad.. I hope you keep it like that. Stay strong!

What do you think? pms or pregnant?

Ok first of all I do have pcos. But never had any pain with it. I never getting cramping until the day of due period or the day after. I also discovered I have a yeast infection. I have never gotten one unless I was pregnant. I have 2 children, 2 pregnancies. So Ok I had my first period on my own since dec. of 2010. My last period was May 21st of 2011. I am ttc I with the pcos I didnt think I could conceive but I tried anyways. Now last night which would have been 10 days after ovulation I started having like a dull achy cramp in my lower abdomen and also a pressure like pain on my left side of lower abdomen. I have had a tiny bit of spotting light pink and brown but I thought that came from the yeast infection. So I just am really not for sure. I have been very moody, exhausted also. So basically I am asking what do yall think. Does it sound like it could be implantation? Or from yeast infection? Or Pcos? or just pms? I am confused, I do plan on making an appointment but I am curious what others think?

How did the jurors in the Casey Anthony trial ask to see evidence?

If the jurors have been instructed not to be discussing the case among themselves, how were they able to request to see evidence? Not only did the judge allow it, the jury actually passed it around and physically held it. Wouldn't this be grounds for a mistrial, and contempt charges for the jury?

Why is the jury present during victim impact evidence if they can't use it to form their opinion on sentencing?

sadly when listening to the victims statements the jury is human. and you cant unring that bell ! so it seems prejudicial and shouldn't be allowed.

Juror 13...Is Jose a konfabulating defense attorney?

I totally agree with what you are saying. I also think that they have something going on. Even in court they are smiling and touching each other. Thats not a normal lawyer-client relationship.

Need help with math homework 10 points for best answer?

In how many different ways can a panel of 12 jurors and 2 alternates be chosen from a group of 20 prospective jurors?

Could you correct my grammar , Please?

Job counsellor is the best idea you should do when decide to get job for summer because counsellors know what is the right job for you. In other words, counsellors know job market ,so they know the right spot for you. For example, my friend , Frank , had a job counsellor whom point to him how to write a right resume for a job that Frank never thought he could have this job when day . Later , Frank got the job because counsellor know how Frank should do. This helped Frank to get job faster than you think . And also you should consider working oversea is great idea to get job for short time. You can improve your second language and make money in currency that has a higher exchange rate than your county currency, so you make a lot of money in short time with many benefit. I have Turkish friend who went to England to work for summer , so he got a job . When he got their , he improve his English and his Business skills . When he went back to Turkey , he found a job that need to work between the UK and Turkey . That summer job let him to get a better job in his country . Nightclubs and pubs are excellent places to know some rich people. many people to get a low profile job or a good job because they ask for job when they know people how able to hire .I'm personally get two jobs from my friends at nightclub . I just was talking with people their , then I found they need workers , so I asked for a job then I get it .

Seniors, are you keeping up with the casey anythony case?

I haven't been watching like you have, but have heard a little. I hope they can find enough jurors, because I hope there is no chance of her walking free. What sticks in my mind the most is the way she was out partying while her daughter was "missing." What kind of mother would do that?

How long does it take to get over food sensitivities?

I'm allergic to a number of different kinds of food. I have eliminated all of them for my diet for 3 months without feeling any better. How long does it take for them to get out of your system? My symptoms are headaches and achy joints.

Texting internationally?

so im going to turkey for 2 weeks. and i text A LOT so i will surely be receive many texts. i have unlimited texts. will it cost to send texts internationally? will it cost money to recieve texts? is there any way i can turn off texting while i am on my trip without getting charges for the ones i recieve?

Someone help...Jury Duty Question?

Okay so my jury duty date is on Tuesday and it was fine even though I'm right in the midst of finals at my school. One of my professors needed to change the date of the test to that Tuesday morning, but I just found out about it a day ago. So I went online to postpone my date and it said that I can't because it's within 7 days of my original date... what the hell do I do? They said to call the comissioner of jurors and I will tomorrow (I tried today but they were closed)... will they still let me reschedule?

Help received a Juror subpoena failure to respond..?

Call an attorney in NY and ask him/her to handle it. It might cost more than the fine, but it would be worth it to me to keep my reputation spotless for reasons of employment, credit, etc.

Could you serve as a juror on a murder trial?

I've been watching the Casey Anthony case on tv almost every day since it started. I've been thinking of how they must feel having to see evidence and hear the testimony about the death of a child. The burden of deciding if this woman will go free, be in jail for life or face the death penalty Also, the personal sacrifices that they make by being sequestered, could you do it?

Help with getting in shape?

Im a 19 year old male, 5'7", and I weighed 280 pounds. So far I have lost 50~ pounds and weigh about 232. I was wanting to build muscle as my brother gave me a weight set and shown me all the exercises to do (dead lifts, curls, rows, squats, press, and a few others). I usually lift between 30 minutes to an hour, then do 30-60 minutes of cardio. Should I be eating a lot of protein or be drinking protein shakes? I don't want to build a lot of muscle, more like tone what I have and lose more weight in the process. Anyone have any good tips, like if I should have protein, what powder or what foods (I currently eat chicken/turkey/eggs for protein, and how much a day should I have? Anything weight loss/toning related is helpful, thanks.

What should my focus question be for my extended project?

I want to do International Relations at uni soooo I thought Turkey's relations and history would be a good choice for an extended project. ( It's like a bridge between the East and West) but I need a focus question or point because I don't want to right about everything I know about Turkey! Any suggestions? :-P

Pregnancy or what. teen pregnancy seeking advice.?

Yes you could possibly be pregnant but the only way you will for sure know is take an hpt if it's negative wait a lil while like a day or week even n take another one. But if it's positive make an appt so you can get your pregnancy confirmed if indeed your pregnant good luck hope you get the news you want

Need help getting six pack, will give best answers lotsa points!?

Actually your doing great diet sounds good your plenty of active you seem to be eating good as well. And no just do ab workouts twice a week no more then that and make sure to get plenty of rest thats a huge factor. Just do any type of ab workouts all work pretty good. If you want to try new exercises go to this link this is a great web site that can help you,helped me.

Barry Bonds Jurors Adjourn Until Monday. Mean Anything?

The jurors in the Bonds trial started deliberations this morning, but after a full day they had not reached a verdict and adjourned until Monday. Does this make it more likely that Bonds will be convicted of perjury? Less likely? or no difference?

Is Casey Anthony guilty or innocent?

I'm trying to figure out if she murdered her daughter or if a babysitter did it. If she's innocent why did she wait 31 days before reporting her daughter missing? Also i heard they took the death penalty off the table then changed their minds and now they wanna give her the death penalty. Does anyone know why they did this? Whoever knows more about this case than I know, please write your opinions, any facts about this case, thanks. I'm watching jury selection on tru tv, quite interesting, also why are many jurors being called back for more questioning?

No period, really tired, achy breasts?

Looking for everyone's opinion! My fiance and I have been having troubles getting pregnant. We did get pregnant in December, but miscarried in January. Ever since, my periods have been off. My last period was May 2-6. I was on somewhere's near a 35 day cycle, but its been almost 2 months now, and I've had no signs of one. I was taking ovulation tests all through May and into June, and everyone of them showed up negative. I've tried multiple HPT's and they're all showing negative as well. I went to my Family Dr, who sent me for bloodwork, but will not see me until the end of August for the results. In the last couple of weeks, I've been very moody (bitching one moment, crying the next, etc) and have had twinges of pain in both of my breasts. The last couple of days, I have wanted to do nothing but sleep. Is there anything anyone can suggest to help? I've got another 2 months before my family dr will see me again, and the moodiness, sleeping all the time, etc is already driving me nuts!!

Raw dog food recipe that's balanced?

80% meat, 10% bone, 5% liver, 5% other organ meat (heart for the purpose of diet is meat not an organ) Rotating protein source is good, no need to do it daily but if you want to that is fine. No need for a supplements, no need for vegetables or pasta, limit raw eggs they can cause problems given in to large a quantity, no need to grind the bones feed whole edible bones it is better for the teeth and exercise for the jaws.

Implantation pain?? Anyone had this?

my last periods first day was the 15th june and have been trying for a baby ever since. We had intercourse on the day before my period and on the 17th, 20th, 23rd, 25th and the 26th and now today which is the 28th I feel like I feel when im going to have a period. Not necessarily stomach cramps but I feel achy and have a really bad lower back. Has anyone had this? Could this be implantation pain or is it too soon. Its defiantly to soon for my period as im not due till around the 13th-14th of july

Leg injury--not sure what it could be?

So, I am a runner and about 3 months ago I had to take some time off due to a fibula stress fracture in my right calf, so I took the adequate amount of time off and then slowly returned to running, only to end up with a pain in my tibia on the same leg. I self-diagnosed it as a stress fracture because I didn't/don't have the option of seeing a doctor. I've been away from running for 7 additional weeks to heal the tibial stress fracture and have only been cycling at the gym during that time. I don't plan to start running for another week, to give the supposed stress fracture the full 8 weeks to heal. However, I have noticed a weird pain in my right calf as of late. When I'm just walking around the house or something, it almost feels like my calf muscle is a bit loose or something, and, after going for a walk for about 15 minutes or so, it starts to have this dull achy kind of feeling, which usually goes away after resting for several minutes. I'm not sure that, if I did have a tibial stress fracture, this is just part of it, or if it is some kind of muscle strain or something that I could have gotten from cycling? Any information would be helpful, because I don't really have the option of going to see a doctor about it. Thank you!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My dog is

he has been limping for a while and we couldn't find a single clue why so we let it go as maybe a sprained ankle or just achy joints. he's it would be time fro age to be setting in. but then i just noticed his foot today and when he steps on his right foot one of his toes is straight out and not curved like the rest. it looks broken but when i pull on it there is no pain. i know this was not there before. it looks like when he steps down, the normal shape of his toe does not take place, instead it looks like the tendon underneath that curls the toe under properly just stopped working. like it's loose or ripped. is this a good guess or does somebody maybe have a better answer as to what is up with the toe?

My son only wants to drink red bull. he's only 2 years old and im concern?

My sister started giving him sips of red bull when he was a year old now he's two and wakes up demanding sometimes sneaking red bull to his room. I've been observing his behavior and so far he has about three-four redbulls a day. I want to trust that he will do the right thing and wouldnt need me to hide the red bulls but he's a sneaky sneak. I need to get him off of red bull but i dont think its healthy to cut red bull cold turkey. What could be a better solution to his "addiction"

Sore spots on the roof of my mouth?

A few days ago, I noticed that the roof of my mouth was sore (stinging and painful when I eat, not the achy kind of sore) behind my front teeth. I've had that feeling before after eating hard chips or really crunchy cereal, but I can't remember eating anything that could have damaged my mouth. It's been about 5 days now, and it's still sore. I don't drink or smoke, and I'm in exellent health otherwise. What causes a sore mouth and what can I do for it? I don't really want to make a trip to the doctor unless I just have to.

Do I sound like I could be pregnant?

Ok first off I am not asking anyone to diagnose me I do plan on taking a test but it's a little too early for that yet. I am just curious if others think I sound pregnant. I have been ttc and I know what that does to women sometimes. so here it goes...... My last period was May 21st. If I am pregnant I would be 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Ok so I have been having very weird dreams the past several night which I never remember my dreams. Its been a few years since I have remembered a dream and lately I have been remembering alot of dreams. I have been very exhausted, very moody. Like I am always getting on my fiancee its like he cant do nothing right lol. I also got a yeast infection this past week. Which I have never had a yeast infection unless I was pregnant. Weird huh? But anyways I have had light pink and brown discharge once. But didnt know if that was implantation because of my yeast infection. But ummm last night I also had some cramping felt like normal menstural cramps. Like a dull achy pain in lower abdomen and also had more of a pressure pain in lower left side of abdomen. The weird thing is..... I was recently diagnosed with pcos, my midwife put me on medroxyprogesterone. I was suppose to take it for 15 days but only took like 3 pills every other day. I am horrible with taking medication well that when I started my period on my own. btw before that period I hadnt had a period on my own since dec of 2010. So after my last period I made sure to have sex during my ovulation period for the heck of it. I didnt even think I could get pregnant but now I am starting to wonder. What do you think?

Where can we travel for a summer vacation without having to spend a fortune?

You can travel pretty cheap if you know how to and even with a big family such as you have, try sites like Expedia and other travel sites that may give you a really good deal. Some great places would be Kingston upon Hull in the European area. Also some kids are able to travel for free,but make sure you do some really extensive research.


yes its the flu.stay either in bed , or whatever u like, just make sure ur not going from hot to cold atmospheres and ull be fine :)


You dont sound sick. Unless you count paranoia as a sickness... Calm down until you get sick (it'll happen one day) and don't worry about any of these things until you are actually sick. You will know when that happens. Then you need to rest, drink fluid (not lots, just a normal amount) and take tylenol for fever/headaches/pain (tylenol and cold and flu tablets do not make your flu go away, its only to lower a fever and control the symptoms, so if the pain does not bother you and you dont have a fever you dont need to take it). Also, if you do get sick, wash your hands as much as you can and stay away from everyone.

Did I eat enough today?

umm your anorexic and at a dangerously low weight. you need to go see a nutritionist and get yourself into conseling

Telephone standby juror NYC help?

hi all, well im kinda scare right now so help me please, I got a letter that i was summoned as a telephone standby juror and i had to call a day before the jury day and forgot all about it and today was the date of the jury i notice when i was reviewing my bills and notice the jury letter and notice it was today it started early in the morning and i notice it after 4 hours. i don't know what to do i am really scare not only that i just send my application for security guard license and might get rejected and not get my money back, people say you get warrants if you miss your day as jury duty

Failured to answer juror qualification questionnaire due to address problem?

The goverment is very money hungry they forget most jurors don't get Jackshit for going.. I'm advice call the court talk to the person in charge of jury duty an explain what happened

Brownish spotting/bleeding for 9 days. Two negative HPT's. What is going on?

It could very well be the stress you spoke of. Sounds as if it has been rather intense lately. I would, however, see a doctor, and tell him/her of your concerns. Two negative tests does not mean you are not pregnant, it just means you are probably not pregnant.

Was my diet good? ok? bad?

Almond breeze almond milk actually has more calcium and vitamin D than milk. It also has less fat. For your bar replace that with fruit or a veggie like carrots and celery with hummus. Also replace that ice cream for athenos greek yogurt. Also cut out that bread with honey. You are eating way too much bread. Eat beans or something. Also for the cookie replace that with dark chocolate if you need something sweet.

Is the Turkey's government interested in supporting engineering ideas?

well i have quite an idea to invent some thing (its a manipulator mechanism), but i dont want to waste it..... will they support me to bring it to reality?

Was severs disease a misdiagnosis?

i am 13 and i have had severs since i was 8. my doctor said wear supportive shoes, advil, streching, etc. it went away maybe when i was about 10 but not for long. when i wear tennis-shoes, it helps for a while but not enough that it matters. my heels always feel hot on the inside, achy, painful, and they hurt pretty much all the time. my knees also hurt and my ankles, but not as severely. do you think that this is severs? or something else?

Which's better Egypt or Turkey to visit?

Both counties are worthy to visit. Depends on what you're looking for. In Egypt you'll visit one of the greatest civilizations of the world. In Turkey you'll see the marks of different civilizations and different faiths. In Turkey you'll have more options, you can have a cultural tour or just enjoy yourself, lying on the beach and tasting the great Turkish cusine. Weather is important too, if you're going in this season (summer) I recommend Turkey, it would be better to visit Egypt in September or October.

Help me with my muscle growth! 10 points!!!?

okay so i am a vegetarian. i can not eat fish, turkey, eggs and meat. i can drink milk. and eat vegetables obviously. i am skinny and i have been going to the gym for weeks. i lift 20 pounds (10 in each hand) like 40 times. i do that everyday at the gym, as well as machines. i do that for an hour. now my brother, who is skinnier than me is still stronger than me. he never goes to the gym and sits around on the laptop all day. me, i dont look or feel different, but yet my brother can still beat me in an arm wrestle. PLEASE HELP THIS MAKES NO SENSE TO ME. ( i think my brother hit puberty if that makes a difference)?

How long should it take to see noticeable results from this diet/fitness plan?

6 weeks are plenty of time to see results from an effective exercise and diet routine, but you should ask your trainer if you are looking for specific information about how much calories you burn

Is quitting weed whats best to do?What are the positives and negatives?

Keeping yourself occupied with something you LOVE doing is the key to staying off the weed now. I don't know what your preferences are, mine are craft and woodwork. I used to drink and then quit and started doing crafts....I love building things, so I started to do lots of wood work and now I have bad vision, so now I am occupied with figuring out how computers work, how the registry works, etc.etc. The key is to pick something you really love doing, because that will keep your mind occupied and then you won't even think about weed....good luck

Is this pms or could I be pregnant?

Ok first of all I do have pcos. But never had any pain with it. I never getting cramping until the day of due period or the day after. I also discovered I have a yeast infection. I have never gotten one unless I was pregnant. I have 2 children, 2 pregnancies. So Ok I had my first period on my own since dec. of 2010. My last period was May 21st of 2011. I am ttc I with the pcos I didnt think I could conceive but I tried anyways. Now last night which would have been 10 days after ovulation I started having like a dull achy cramp in my lower abdomen and also a pressure like pain on my left side of lower abdomen. I have had a tiny bit of spotting light pink and brown but I thought that came from the yeast infection. So I just am really not for sure. I have been very moody, exhausted also. So basically I am asking what do yall think. Does it sound like it could be implantation? Or from yeast infection? Or Pcos? or just pms? I am confused, I do plan on making an appointment but I am curious what others think?

Could this be cancer?

I have a round lump on the back of my head, on the bottom of the skull, and its became larger. I've been getting headaches, and tired, also been coughing up blood, I know fits are a symptom of brain tumours but I'm epileptic so already take tablets to stop fits, I'm also really achy, could this be cancer?!

Do high school relationships end if you go to college in the same town?

Does the fact that a couple is going to school in the same city mean that they aren't going to be part of the turkey drop? By not being in a long distance relationship do you completely beat the odds or can other things factor in?

Chronic knee pain after ACL reconstruction?

Your dr. should have told you everything that shows up on scans looks fine for there aren't any scans that show tight muscles or tendons and your pain is from tight tendons on the muscles for your kneecap. For the dr.'s if it doesn't show up on the scans it's not there. But you are in pain and that pain is real. You can tell your dr. it might be that but he won't know what you would be talking about or how to free it up even if he believed you. It takes about ten to fifteen minutes to free them up to get you out of pain, at least that's all the longer it takes me to free them up when I do them. Sorry for all the medical opinions but thought you would like to know what it was and why your dr. isn't finding it.

What do we do when we arrive at our destination?

Need a little bit of help please. Me and my boyfriend are going abroad for the first time without our parents so we are a little bit nervous. Booked a holiday to Turkey with Teletext holidays this is also the first time we have not been with a major company e.g Thomas Cook/Thomson etc. I know what to do at the airport and everything but once we get over to Turkey how do we find a taxi transfer will there be someone with a clipboard and our name the same as there woul be with a company such as Thomas Cook or what else happens? Also how do we know what time the taxi will pick us up when it is time to go to the airport to come home again?

What is going to happen at my husbands trail?

my husband has a sentencing hearing soon. our attorney file 2 motions 1. the prosecutor withheld evidence 2. a juror talked t 5 people about the trail while it was going on and said she was gonna convict him. what is going to happen that day

How can I quit smoking on my own?

Find something to keep your hands busy, like whittling or knitting, then stop smoking. When you really want a cigarette tell yourself to wait an hour and then see how you feel.

Would Walmart hire me?

You've got a shot, because I'm pretty sure walmart cannot legally say that they discriminate against applicants. However, you're at an automatic disadvantage having that on your record. I don't think Walmart would immediately discount you for something you did as a teen, but it would depend on who it actually hiring you, I'm sure.

Going to Turkey for 2weeks All Inclusive. How much spending money should I take?

I am going to Turkey next month for 2weeks All Inclusive and wonder how much I should need. We will be going out for the occasional drinks and maybe a meal or two for a change of All Inclusive. Maybe do a few trips/excursions. How much does a main meal cost? And how much is it for alcohol, vodka & coke, wine etc? I will be using Turkish Lira..

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Are Air Canada and Trans Canadian airlines the same thing?

I'm going to Istanbul, Turkey soon and my airline is Trans Canadian airlines. I've been doing some research on Wikipedia and I found something that said that Air Canada owned Trans Canadian airlines. So does this mean that a plane from Trans Canadian airlines looks the same as an Air Canada plane? (including design pattern logos, etc)

Is jury duty a civic duty for everyone?

If someone doesn't have the ability to perform Jury duty they can be excused. Given the time there would probably be time to get patients to a different doctor. Look at it this way, when deciding something based on evidence and logic, would you rather have a well educated person with adept critical thinking skills, or someone who thinks there could be fire creatures living on the sun?

Why is the death penalty still so unjust, biased, and racist?

man thats such **** listen to yourself your one of those black people nobody likes dont get me wrong yeah theres a lot of racist white people but blacks are racist too they get sentenced to death due to what the crime is theres a system that ranks the crime and the punishments

I don't think it's possible for me to hurt any more than I do now... Help?

Take some ibuprofen. It will help the pain and swelling all over. Put ice on your back and shoulders for the swelling. If the muscles hurt later, try heat. And your feet? All I can say is stay off of them and don't wear shoes if you can help it-that happened to me when I wore 5" heels for too long at my Grandma's funeral, and my feet didn't feel back to normal for like, a week. I could stand better after a few days though. Oh, and elevate your feet if they swell. Hope I helped.

Why isn't the penalty for first degree murder, death?

why isn't the penalty for first degree murder death? Is it because the courts and jurors respect murderers?

I'm pretty sure I have strep throat?

I'm 14 years old and my school year just ended yesterday. Since Sunday night, I haven't felt too well. I woke up in the middle of the night with severe muscle pains and achiness and could not sleep. The day after that, I took more painkillers and later got a horrible head ache. There was an end of year dance, also, at night and my legs got really achy. Then, the next day, I got a sore throat and had trouble swallowing. I made the mistake of attending an end of year trip o a amusement park when I didn't feel well, but I figured it was allergies. And then yesterday, I went to a sleepover party cause I thought I was feeling better. My throat was so inflamed that I had huge troubles and pains from swallowing. My voice got super hoarse and I'm basically losing it. I know I shouldn't missed the party, that's not the point. The point is that everything I described are signs of strep throat. I told this to my mom and she thinks I'm overreacting and that I should give it a few days. I have given it 3 days and ive told her about the problems I had been having when I was having them. Now she won't even schedule me a doctors appointment and I feel so sick and gross! Isn't this serious? I'm pretty sure it's strep!! My parents work tomorrow and I'm gonna be stuck at home by myself all day because they legit won't even take time off of work to bring me to the doctor! :(

What types of jurors are most sympathetic to battered spouses?

In a case of battered spouse syndrome as a defense for murder, what kinds of jurors do you think would be the most sympathetic to this kind of defendant?

What is jury duty like?

I got a letter in the mail being called back for jury duty, the first letter I got was almost a year ago and I opted out due to a family vacation, and I am being summoned to go now, I'm 19. I live in Missouri in the Kansas City area, and the I am being called in to serve on the 20th of this month. I am curious of what it is like to serve as a juror, I heard that you get to stay in really nice hotels, during the time you spend, and I was told you get 60 dollars a day for compensation and meals are paid for.

As due process takes its course, does anyone at the moment believe Casey Anthony is innocent?

About the best I can say at the moment is that I don't believe she's innocent, but I'm not convinced that she's guilty, either. I think she's -probably- guilty, but wouldn't send her off to Alcatraz just yet.


well i'm not an expert but if i were you i would go to the doctor to check that out. is this like your first time having this?

Low grade fever every afternoon for several days...?

You could have a stubborn strep infection, among other things. Strep can be chronic and serious. It can cause heart and kidney damage to name a couple of complications. Did you take all of your antibiotics? Please see your doc and tell him about the fever. Remind him of the strep, you may have only one doc, he has many patients.

Anyone know whats the weather like in turkey mid october?

i remember october in turkey. The one october of my life I wish i could forget. I wish I could blame it all on the weather, but it was everything....The weather was just the cherry on top of everything else.

If you were a juror in a criminal trial, how would a judge know if you decided the case on whether......?

When juries deliberate cases, members can ask questions or state their opinions if they choose but are not required to say anything during the entire process unless the foreman decides to use a spoken "Guilty" or "Not guilty" poll or final vote instead of the usual show of hands. Therefore, if you never told the rest of the jury that your vote was based on the fact that you thought the law was wrong (in which case the foreman would be required to report it to the judge, and an alternate would probably be chosen to replace you), the judge would never know your reasoning. Deliberations are secret even from the judge except as far as problems the foreman may report.

I am attorney of the accused in Twelve Angry Men, how do I convince the jury that the accused is innocent?

We have to do a journal entry where we write the closing remarks for the case that was tried in Twelve Angry Men. In other words, we have to pretend that we are the attorney defending the accused. We are appealing to the jury, trying to convince the, that the accused is in fact innocent. What would;d be some evidence to Tell the jurors to show them that the accused is indeed Innocent not guilty.

Why does my palm hurt?

It's a dull achy feeling and it's been bothering me all morning. Why does it hurt and is there a way I get it to stop?

Is it ok to feed my border terrier, boiled breast chicken with boiled sausage,?

i have every type of dryed food or i've tried it ,also all types of tinned an packet food , he won't touch it, once in a blue moon he'll have a bit of dryed, as i always leave some in his bowl but it all ends up out for the birds , so the only food he will eat is boiled sausage or chicken not fryed or baked and won't touch turkey, i'm a little concerned as i love oscar and want the best long life for him, he has shapes and dental stick for breakfast, thanks all x

Are trials in Canada extremely different from trial in the USA?

trials are about the same.....just go to the courthouse and witness a juicy Nunavut trial....what IS different is the public never hears abut the sensationalism of the case until after the verdict.....

Any health advice would be appreciated!!?

I've had similar symptoms. My diagnosis was Anemia. I was low in iron, and that causes you to feel tired, and weak, the chest tightens and your heart will feel the pressure. Iron helps the red blood cells move around the body, and the red blood cells carry oxygen. You could be worrired about something, you may be thinking a lot, that can cause the symptoms you've listed. Thinking too hard is another form of stress. Diet is another possibility, you may be lacking vital vitamins and minerals, may be eating too little or too much of the wrong things. The NHS website will help you more. Just type in your symptoms. a href="" rel="nofollow" I hope you get better. X

Do you think that female jurors are more influenced by emotional testimony during a trial?

Hypothetically, if it was proven that women were less capable of being impartial jurors, would you support legislation that limited/banned women from serving on juries?

How would you know you strained or sprained your arm?

My arm has been feeling achy and its hard to raise it and lift heavy things up (my left arm) and around my wrist it aches and sometimes hand. 15 years old , any ideas?

If you was a juror, would you vote guilty or not guilty on Casey Anthony, and why?

No idea. I haven't heard all of the testimony and cross-examinations, or had the ability to examine the physical evidence in the case, and therefore it would be inappropriate to decide if she is guilty or not based on news stories and summaries.

How easy is it for a 14 year old boy 2 get weed in turkey?

im goin 2 turkey this summer and i need 2 know were and how easy it is 2 get weed there, im nowwhere near istanbul so dnt awnser that and are the police as strict on minores

Is it common for 1 of 12 jurors to vote against the other 11?

it happened when i was on jury service. 10 voted against 2 of us. then the other girl gave in but i wouldn't. you do get made to feel bad though as everyone sort of has a go at you and if you're not strong you would give in just to finish it. i stuck to my guns, like it or lump it. i still think i was right even now.

Eating every 3 hours for muscle? Food or snack?

Ok so are you suppose to literally eat a "meal" every 3 hours like breakfast then turkey sandwich then lunch then chicken sandwich or is it a like breakfast then snack then lunch then snack and so on?

Parents/anyone with half a heart?

Would you be able to be an unbiased juror on the Casey Anthony trial? I just read that jury selection was today. If you can't already tell from my tone, I couldn't.

I have been watching the Casey Anthony trial and the defense presented a medical examiner who did a second?

The defense team for Casey Anthony is now putting on there people to give their ideas on how they might have done things differently then the previous medical examiners,the FBI or CSI have done.That's all they are doing to make the jury look at different things that were done in a different way.

GUYS...your opinions pls?

What a great and charming guy. Agrees with anything you decide and respects you in every way. Listen the first thing is that if you knew that he was leaving back to his country you shouldn't have told him those direct (yet the truth) words just yet. Life is full of surprises. How do you know he might come back to the US and live here permanently or all of a sudden he just tells you I'm Staying! By saying "live our separate lives" is going to make him harder for him to say goodbye to you or for you to say goodbye to him. In other words "wish for him the best and to live a happy life" "You will always be in my heart and I'll never forget you. Should you come back I'll wait for you here. Thanks for being my best friend." Wrong words can and WILL create difficult situations. I bet you right know he is thinking of those very words you said and feel not just sad but heartbroken. But both of you must always must let go and face reality. HE REALLY is expecting for you to say goodbye to him before he leaves. Go to a store and get a friendship or best friends card write down what you really want to say to him (something he can keep permenantly) ,a picture of you, and for you two to always keep in touch. Like I said Life is full of surprises. As for you to see him before he leaves...invite him somewhere fun (NO SLOW MUSIC) have fun together (ALOT OF FUN!), don't mention anything about the good old times between you and him you're gonna complicate yourself to say goodbye to him, talk about for him to send you pictures from his country and for his face to be in it, avoid sad stuff and when its time for him to leave hug and kick his butt... I mean ..hug and tell him something funny. Hope he gives you something for you to remember him by (flowers or something). Last what do I think of this, its normal and sad that you are going through this but follow my'll never know what might happen. Times change be strong and have courage and always HAPPY. OK!

I have a lump on my neck under skin?!?

Hello I'm a 17 year old female and I have this coldsore atm below my lip like a gathering of spots that are pussy, I recently am getting an achy neck its not my glands I know that Its a different posistion like almost in the middle of my neck..its about an inch wide and hurts as i tilt my head up and down and aches to touch, are these symptoms related to anything?! appreciate your help!

Pregnancy at 16 years old. I'm afraid I might be. please read?

It definitely sounds like you are pregnant. If your cycle is 28 days, you would have probably emulated right around the time you had sex. As for the symptoms, they sound spot on with pregnancy. The blood is a big indicator, it sounds like implantation bleeding. You are probably far along enough to get a positive result with just about any brand. But, my guess is that you are pregnant.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Why am I light headed all of a sudden?

I was diagnosed with Graves Disease several years ago. I have been taking 25 mg of Methimazole twice a day for the past 9 months, and all of a sudden I am very light headed and sometimes side-step like I am drunk (I also feel like I am drunk). This just started today. Over the past few weeks I have had an on-again-off-again sore throat accompanied by an achy jaw and headache. I have also been feeling very tired and irritable lately. I seem to lack all motivation whatsoever. I went to my hospital to have labs done on Wednesday, but my doctor has not called me back yet. I guess I'm getting a little worried and here it is, after business hours on Friday, and I can't call my doctor until Monday. I have heard of thyroid storms and I'm afraid that's what's about to happen.

I feel horrible, not sure what it could be .PLEASE ANSWER .?

i have had a ear infection for about 2 weeks and my ears and still a little blocked up but i am on antibiotics . Anyway i have a really had head ache at the front of my forehead down to my eyes and the my neck feels really week and achy and when ever i walk i feel of balance and dizzy and all my bones are all achy and i keep having muscles spasms and i am reaally tired also starting to get a pain under my rib . im 14 and a girl .

Do you think I could have a concussion?

It is very possible! U should go to the doctor or hospital to be checked out. You are most likely fine but need to refrine from sports and other activitys. Good luck

How much weight can I lose if I burn at least 500 cals a day for a month?

I think one pound of fat is approximately 1,300 calories. Just remember: Muscle weighs more than fat.

I feel horrible, not sure what it could be .PLEASE ANSWER .?

i have had a ear infection for about 2 weeks and my ears and still a little blocked up but i am on antibiotics . Anyway i have a really had head ache at the front of my forehead down to my eyes and the my neck feels really week and achy and when ever i walk i feel of balance and dizzy and all my bones are all achy and i keep having muscles spasms and i am reaally tired . im 14 and a girl .

Do I have a cold or is it allergies or could it be the flu?

I live in Washington and I went to Missouri for a family reunion. On the day I went back home, I had a really runny nose and it was clear mucus. The next day, I woke up and I was really achy and congested. yesterday, I woke up and I was less achy but blowing my nose regularly and coughing. Today I was coughing up a pastel yellow kind of mucus and I have a fever along with the chills. What do I have?

Do you think the jury will believe casey anthony was molested?

Its becoming very clear Casey Anthony is going to claim she was raped and molested and that led her to kill her kid. Apparent rape victims are very hard to convict so I am of the belief she will be freed. Psychologists will talk about post traumatic stress disorder etc and woman jurors particularly will buy into this as well as many men who have been affected by this horrible tragedy of an event. I am of the solid belief this is her defense strategy after watching a little jury selection after work today. What do you think?