Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What do you think? Pms or pregnant?

Ok first of all I do have pcos. But never had any pain with it. I never getting cramping until the day of due period or the day after. I also discovered I have a yeast infection. I have never gotten one unless I was pregnant. I have 2 children, 2 pregnancies. So Ok I had my first period on my own since dec. of 2010. My last period was May 21st of 2011. I am ttc I with the pcos I didnt think I could conceive but I tried anyways. Now last night which would have been 10 days after ovulation I started having like a dull achy cramp in my lower abdomen and also a pressure like pain on my left side of lower abdomen. I have had a tiny bit of spotting light pink and brown but I thought that came from the yeast infection. So I just am really not for sure. I have been very moody, exhausted also. So basically I am asking what do yall think. Does it sound like it could be implantation? Or from yeast infection? Or Pcos? or just pms? I am confused, I do plan on making an appointment but I am curious what others think?

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