Friday, July 22, 2011

Does this mean that labor is starting?

I am scheduled to be induced on Saturday, which is one day shy of my due date. I have been 2 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and labor station -1 since 36 weeks. I have had some episodic bleeding that can't be attributed to anything and today my blood pressure was high (140/95) for the first time in my life. Since I am so close to my due date and because of the previously mentioned issues, my doctor wants to induce me. I want soooo bad to go into labor naturally. I also am trying to have a completely natural childbirth and I know that this is less likely to happen with an induction. I had fetal monitoring after the appointment for 20 minutes because of the high blood pressure and bleeding and everything was fine. During the fetal monitoring, I had 6 contractions each lasting about a minute. I only felt one and it was very mild. I likely would not have noticed it had the nurse not pointed it out. Anyway, I came home from the appointment, had sex with my husband, and went for a long walk trying to get things started. I am having dull achy pain in my abdomen that is coming and going. It is not regular and I definitely cannot feel a distinct "contraction" but I am feel sporadic pain that is noticeable for about fifteen seconds, peaks, and then decreases. It is mainly in my lower abdomen, but it radiates around to my back too. My question is..... does this mean that labor is starting, or is it more likely these stupid Braxton Hicks. If it does sound like labor starting, how long can I stay like this, and will I likely have the baby in the next few days?

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